Case Studies – Non-Domestic

Heat pumps for water heating

Heat pumps for water heating

The HPA have been closely involved in discussions to reform of the RHI following a consultation issued by DECC in February 2016.

One stop environmental control

One stop environmental control

The HPA have been closely involved in discussions to reform of the RHI following a consultation issued by DECC in February 2016.

Braeaire Fits Foundry

Braeaire Fits Foundry

The HPA have been closely involved in discussions to reform of the RHI following a consultation issued by DECC in February 2016.

Chewton Glen Treehouses

Chewton Glen Treehouses

The HPA have been closely involved in discussions to reform of the RHI following a consultation issued by DECC in February 2016.

Heat pumps go on holidays

Heat pumps go on holidays

The HPA have been closely involved in discussions to reform of the RHI following a consultation issued by DECC in February 2016.

Energy saving for London hotel

Energy saving for London hotel

The HPA have been closely involved in discussions to reform of the RHI following a consultation issued by DECC in February 2016.