Heat Pump Association Chief Executive reacts to Climate Change Committee Carbon Budget 7 Advice to Government

Commenting on the release of the Climate Change Committee’s Carbon Budget 7 – Advice to Government, Charlotte Lee, Chief Executive of the Heat Pump Association said:

“The message is clear – to meet carbon budgets we must decarbonise heat from buildings, with 14% of the emission reductions expected by 2040 to come from homes. The CCC has set out the importance of electrifying heat, identifying heat pumps as a pivotal technology in this transition with 450,000 heat pump installations needed per year by 2030, reaching 1.5m by 2035. Yet it is clear that Government intervention is required to support and streamline the transition today to create the savings for the future.

Implementing the Future Homes and Buildings Standard without delay is crucial to avoid compounding the challenge of decarbonising heat from buildings.

Fundamental to this transition is addressing the disparity between electricity and gas prices. As emphasised in CB7, this step is vital to accelerating electrification in key sectors like heating and surface transport, which are crucial for achieving significant carbon emission reductions over the next decade.

We welcome the focus on the impact on consumers analysed within CB7, as their behaviour and choices are essential to achieving the emission reductions required. We must make this transition a just transition, and bring consumers along in a positive, responsible and fair way. This will require strong leadership, and some challenging decision making from the Government over the next few years, but what CB7 shows- is that achieving net zero is possible.”

Read the full advice here.

Notes to Editors:

For media inquiries, please contact:

Olivia Smalley

Head of Policy and Communications

Email: Olivia.smalley@thehpa.org.uk

About the Heat Pump Association:

The HPA is the UK’s dedicated voice for the Heat Pump Sector, driving widespread deployment of heat pump technology throughout the UK. Our membership includes the country’s leading manufacturers of heat pumps, components, and associated equipment as well as energy companies, certification bodies, installers and training providers.  We currently represent over 120 member organisations working in the heat pump sector, with our members representing around 90% of the volume of heat pumps sold in the UK market.